Angola Marine Consulting and Crew Management Services

Consulting Services

We can help you succeed in Angola

Our services are tailored to meet your needs and enable you to successfully conduct business in Angola. We provide a variety of consulting services including Angolan visas, HR recruitment, onboard crewing, offshore projects, translation, and training.

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Angolan visas

Angolan visas is designed to help oil and gas partners stay compliant and avoid hefty fines for not complying with Angolan legislation. We work hand in hand with our partners to ensure that their personnel are legally accommodated in Angola through use of the appropriate visa as required by the Angolan government and rules for oil & gas personnel. Our industry-specific experience allows us to provide quick and efficient service, which is essential given the fast-paced nature.

AFC MERCY holds a solid reputation in processing the majority of Angolan Visas in a record time to cover your need for offshore or onshore personnel in Angola:

  • Work Visas
  • Short Term Visa
  • Border Visa (Visa on Arrival )
  • Business and Tourist Visa
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HR, Recruitment & Placement

Recruitment and personnel management aims to satisfy partners' strategic decisions for onshore and offshore needs. Partnering with AFC Mercy makes your recruitment and personnel management process more efficient, cost-effective, and productive. As an HR & recruitment partner, we provide an all-around service to identify candidates and deliver quality referrals in a wide spectrum of industries. We are in constant search of talented people, and we are always ready to answer your requests.
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Angola Offshore Project Consulting

Offshore Project Consulting

If you're looking for a company to help you with your business in Angola, look no further. We are a company that specializes in helping companies do business in Angola. We have partnerships with key segments of the oil and gas industry and we provide local content consultation to companies seeking to invest and do business in Angola.
Our offshore project consulting team would guide you with necessary Local Content guidance that will add value to your bid for a vessel, rig or any service being provided offshore angola site and provide you ongoing consultation for a long-sustainable presence in Angola.
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We ensure working manuals and various documents are translated by competent translators from Portuguese-French-English.
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Crew Training, STCW

We ensure personnel are working within the standard of training and certification for seafarers and offshore crew. Ensuring maritime security is the responsibility of the entire industry. One of the ways we can do this is by providing qualified crew with training and certification to work on board vessels and in offshore energy sectors.

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